Shelton composting program

Composting provides an efficient way to deal with waste in our gardens, create wholesome fertilizer, and lower the cost of valuable inputs. That is why it has always been a part of our our youth programs at HOPE. As of now, Shelton municipal waste does not have an organic waste program and sadly all of the the waste that could be composted ends up in the landfill where it sits idly and eventually contributes to greenhouse gasses. If you and your household aren’t already composting your kitchen scraps ( or just feel like contributing to HOPE’s compost piles) then feel free to drop off anything you can at the locations outlined below.


When collecting your kitchen scraps it is important to keep in mind that there are some things that are easier to compost than others. The bins at our gardens are in the same size range as something at home, and to ensure an efficient process there are certain things that we would rather keep out of it. Feel free to bring any bi products of your kitchen that does not include: Meat, bones, dairy, cooking oils, plastic packaging (typical egg cartons and paper bags are OKAY), or labels.

Diagram courtesy of

Compost Drop off Locations


Mason General Hospital

901 Mountain View Dr, Shelton, WA, 98584

Right outside the gate of our garden next to the food stand/shelter.

(555) 555-555


Evergreen Elementary

900 W Franklin St, Shelton, WA, 98584

Drop off bin is located next tot the compost bins along the west fence, inside the garden.

(555) 555-555