Caroline fidanzato

Caroline’s first passion is cooking meals with home-grown foods and sharing that garden-to-kitchen knowledge with others is her second. She graduated from the Evergreen State College focusing on food accessibility, culinary literacy, and trauma-informed nutrition. Her mission is to decolonize nutrition education. She strives to promote community through creating safe spaces for youth to learn about food / body / mind connections while cooking culturally responsive meals. When she’s not in a garden or cooking with friends, she’s hiking with her dog, playing music, or working on projects. Her favorite vegetable snack is radishes with salted butter.

dana tillman

Dana works full-time as a CTE Science teacher in the Shelton School District while also working to build a productive, sustainable homestead on the land she stewards with her family here in Mason County. She had previously served on the board of HOPE and recently joined our staff because she believes that all of our community members can grow to be self-confident, capable citizens with just a little support and acceptance for who they are as unique individuals with their very own superpowers. She admires the mission of this organization and looks forward to continuing to do what she can to support in whatever way possible.